Tuesday 8 May 2012

Lady Lazarus

Yesterday's episode of Mad Men had a nice surprise in it for us...

... Alexis Bledel playing a deeply troubled housewife and an "interest" (and possible future source of troubles) for Pete Campbell. In her first appearance she wears an elegant Classic headscarf, though the scene is a little on the dark side.

Little Rory Gilmore has grown up! Anyone can tell me if this is her first headscarf scene ever?


  1. Nice pictures, which season and episode of Mad Men are these pictures ?

    Kind regards,

    1. Hi! It's the eight episode of the fifth season. Sorry for answering so late!

  2. January Jones and Elisabeth Moss had several scenes wearing headscarves as well. I'll see if I can image them from my DVDs and send them along. Thank you for this wonderful site!
